The purpose of gate valve services is to exercise main line valves throughout the distribution system to assure reliable operation and maintain water quality.
Each valve is operated through a full cycle and returned to its normal position. Valves are exercised on a regular cycle that is designed to prevent a buildup of rust in the pipes as result of corrosion or other mineral deposits that could render the valve inoperable or prevent a tight shutoff.
While exercising each valve, it is essential that the location, make, type, size, turns, close direction and installation date of each valve is recorded. The district’s GIS systems provide a written record of valve location, condition, maintenance, and inspection of each valve.​

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) recommends that all water utilities departments initiate and maintain a comprehensive valve exercising program. This program should include inspecting and operating valves (including distribution and transmission valves, air valves and blow-offs) on a regular basis.
This gate valve service prevents your gate valves from seizing due to rust and identifies any broken valves, allowing for necessary repairs before an emergency arises.
Secure the fire hydrant gate valve service you need today!